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Hakini Hasta Mudra for the Management of Brain

Hakini Hasta Mudra is considered one of the most useful hasta mudra for the Management of Brain. 

Hakini Mudra –

“Hakini Mudra / Brain Power Mudra / Mind Mudra – enhances the brain power by giving power to our mind. Good to perform mental works and multi tasking leading to stress and brain fatigue.

Although Hakini Hasta Mudra is used to Activate the Third Eye Chakra – but using this with overlapping the thumbs over each other, while other four fingers tips touch each other but palms are kept without touching each other – has also been found useful in activating the Solar Plexus Chakra also by keeping this gesture in front of Naval Area.

It protects human life and Brain. Just as Gyan Mudra removes mental tension, Pran mudra provides physical vitality and immunity, Varun mudra keeps the body hydrated, Shunya mudra increases the ability to hear; similarly, doing Hankini mudra increases the brain efficiency or power of the mind.
Hakini means “power” or “rule,” and as it refers to the power of the mind, that’s why it is also called the mudra for the mind or brain. It is most commonly practiced during Pranayama as well as Meditation since the balance of our brain is restored by the Hakini Mudra, which helps in further thinking and concentration.
Since this mudra is associated with the third-eye – hence this is especially beneficial for students. Students may find a solution by making use of this mudra if by chance, they forget some point or even if we forgot the name of a person or a thing, by applying this mudra along with chanting “REACH” SwitchWord.
In addition, Hakini mudra brings peace to the mind and keeps it focused and sharpen.
Its regular practice awakens intuition in a person and stress, anxiety, boosts memory power, depression, problems of sleeplessness, negative thoughts, irritability, etc. problems get cured and increases concentration by means of acupressure too!
While doing Hakini Mudra –

1. Concentrate on Third Eye / Pineal Gland Point,

2. While inhaling – keep tounge up – touching top roof of inner mouth and while exhailing, place down the tongue to normal position.

3. May chant mentally – Om Shreem Namah.

Naran S Balakumar Version of Hakini Mudra along with Ambika Anaadi Nityana Ashwaroodh Aparajita for the better management of our Brain 

This Mudra balances both right and left brains. So, it is very good for students. It balances male and female energy of a person

Chant the switch words “SLOW CARE JUDGE LISTEN” while doing this Mudra.

The students can chant the mantra, “AMBIKA ANAADHI NITHANAA ASHWAROODAA APARAAJITHAA” while doing the Mudra. This forms a wonderful combination.

Only when you chant the mantra you will know what it does to your body and mind

Meaning of the Ambika Mantra

Universal mother! You were there from time memorial, even before the conception of the world.

The universal mother Ambika! You are the one who is the supreme light.

The one who wins over the mind is a successful person. Ambika, the supreme knowledge liberate me from the shackles of the mind, to win and subjugate the mind

Ambika you are the one, who can open the higher parts of mind.

Aparaajithaa – you are invincible and successful. By praying to you, I become successful in life.

Again and again I prostrate to the Universal Mother.


By Hastamudraexpert

YogaAcharya Gagan Dhawan in Association with DC Chaudhary - an Educationist, presents - Well-being Hastamudras Yoga Therapy for Educational Purpose so that the Learners may get immense benifits of remaining Healthy of their own!

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