Surya Hasta Mudra suits most – the people having Dominant Vata & Kapha Doshas. Since Surya Hasta Mudra increases the fire element in the human body, that’s why people also call it as Surya Mudra or the fire mudra or Agni mudra, which is associated with the sun. Sun is considered a symbol of health and energy. This Mudra helps in cutting the fat and lowering bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoproteins). Surya mudra is beneficial for eyes. It is excellent for people with high Kapha constitution (heavy, slow, laid back attitude, excess mucous, flu etc). The mudra helps Kapha type by decreasing Ineertia & increasing alertness and mobility. The mudra is helpful for people who have intolerance to cold and encounter frequent shivering.
Note: 1. Surya, Linga and Vayu Hasta Mudras are a considered quite beneficial for controlling Weight & Bloating of Stomach!
Note 2. In addition to increasing the body Metabolism rate, and similar to Jnana/Gyan mudra – Surya/Agni Mudra also corrects the non or wrong functioning of APAN Vayu to help better Evacuation/Elimination of Wastes. In addition to Surya Mudra – Gyan Mudra also the non or wrong functioning of Apan Vayu., & Preparatory & finishing mudras needed before practicing Surya Hand Gesture (fitsri.com) For better results, begin the practice of Surya mudra with these preparatory mudras: Anjali Mudra: Join your palms together in Namaste. Here is the correct way to do it. Before performing Surya mudra, this mudra prepares your mind to concentrate at one point for Surya Mudra. Adi Mudra: For soothing effect in our body, practice adi mudra before Surya mudra. Follow Up Hand Gesture End your Surya mudra practice with following hand gestures: Varun Mudra: If anyhow an excess amount of heat has produced in the body by the surya mudra, then to neutralize this overheat we can perform varun mudra. Where surya means hot, varun symbolize water or cool energy. Here are the steps of varun mudra Prana Mudra: To lower the effect of excess heat produced after Surya mudra, perform prana mudra to stimulate the flow of prana. Gyan Mudra: It’s always advised to end a yogic practice by bringing hands in Gyan mudra Defication.
You may think – What to do with an increased fire element in your body? The answer is – Fire is like a catalyser. It can boost or channelize our inner body strength. It fastens our entire internal process. It is ideal for those people who are a bit lazy and lethargic. This mudra will definitely fasten them in terms of their activity, pace and everything.
Benefits:- Surya/Agni+Linga Mudras Combo Controls Weight as heat produced by Placing Earth Element Finger on Thumb Pad, reduces the Earth Element in the body, which reduces Kapha Tatva – essentially required for weight gain and also increases Digestion+Metabolism to control Fat, Obesity, Cholestrol & also Cures Cataract(मोतियाबंद), Vision, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Thyoride, Heart-Blockage, Shivering-coldness, Mucus Phelgm! Like Jnana Mudra, Surya mudra also activates pituitary and pineal glands.
Note: Sleeping to right side with practicing Surya Mudra for a few minutes is a sure shot Weight-maintinance!
Surya Mudra Detailed Benefits:-
- Surya Mudra’s quality of increasing the fire element and decreasing the earth element helps in maintaining the metabolism of the body.
- As Surya mudra increases body temperature, it relieves from the problem caused by cold weather like Dry skin, Sore throat, Painful joints & Flu.
- A person suffering from the loss of appetite (Anorexia) can practice Surya mudra to bring the body’s hunger back on the track.
- An imbalance in Pitta humor can disturb the digestion process which results in various diseases of the abdomen. If you want to cure the deficiency of pita humor, then practicing Surya Mudra is highly beneficial.
- Reduces Cholesterol – This mudra works for removing extra cholesterol accumulated in the blood vessels and hence reduces the risk of heart attacks and indirectly helps in curing diabetes also.
- Tackle coldness of limbs – Surya mudra helps in problems like shivering, cold, coldness of body parts.
1. Surya Mudra for Weight Loss
Around fifty percent people world over are trying to lose weight. In this chaos, Surya mudra is one of the easiest methods to lose weight.
Surya mudra helps in weight loss in the following way:
Indigestion and sleep disorders are the most common cause of excessive weight. Surya mudra balances digestion problems (by stimulating fire element) & sleep disorders by bringing down the earth element present in the ring finger. Another cause of excessive weight is the accumulation of wastes in the body. Surya mudra regulates the ‘Apana Vayu – downward-moving energy’ (one of the five Pran Vayus) efficiently which helps to detoxify the body. Hence, it’s helpful in weight loss.
Surya mudra is also practiced to reduce the extra fat deposited in a female body post-delivery.
2. Surya Mudra for Thyroid
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland present in the front low neck. It’s mainly known for the secretion of different hormones that are responsible for metabolism, development of the brain (in adolescents), and body temperature.The fire element, which plays key role in Surya mudra practice is considered the stimulator of the metabolic functioning of the thyroid gland. In the neck region of the body (where thyroid gland lies) space element present that is responsible for hormonal imbalance. Surya mudra also balances the space element present in the neck which makes it effective practice for thyroid. Surya mudra is an effective remedy for thyroid related disorders. This can be achieved by pressing the tip of the ring finger on the thyroid point. This point, according to acupressure remedies is little below the root of the thumb, on the bulge of the palm. To do this, the tip of the ring finger in this mudra should be moved down to the center of the bulge beneath the thumb root and pressed.
3. Surya Mudra for Digestion
The digestion process that takes place in the liver has heat as an essential part. In fact, heat quickens the chemical process of producing enzymes to digest any food particle.
We know it very well, Surya mudra has the efficiency to produce heat in the body by stimulating the fire element present in the thumb.
Thus in nutshell, Surya mudra is a panacea for diseases related to indigestion like constipation, ulcers, gastroparesis, etc.
4. Surya Mudra for Eyes
The element of fire and visual cortex present in our eyes has a special kind of relationship. It’s the fire element only that lights up our perception of seeing an object.
There are 5 kinds of fire mentioned in Ayurveda, among which, fire for vision is called alocaka agni. Surya mudra also works on alocaka agni that helps in improving the blur vision of eyes.
Especially people who are suffering from leucoma (a disorder related to eyes and vision) can practice Surya mudra to get beneficial results out of it.
Learn To Say No By Being In Surya Mudra: If you want to assert yourself, or want to say no without hurting the other person, be in this Mudra & say whatever you want to say.
How To Do?:- Put Ring Fingers on the Root of Thumbs and keep on pressing Ring Fingers under Thumbs for 20+ minutes, once or twice daily.
Note: A, Five Minutes Practice Of Surya Mudra Is A Must For Those, Who Live For More Time In The AC Environment And In Winters Too!
Who Else Should Practice Surya Mudra?People having a desk job or who used to sit for long hours generally troubled with overweight. Surya mudra maintains excessive fat of belly & relieve from overweight problems. Those people who have laziness in their behavior or feel powerless even after a small work, must adopt Surya mudra. Persons with weak eyesight can also adopt Surya mudra to increase the fire element of the body, as with fire (light) element – vision comes. Summary of Surya Mudra Uses: On doing Surya Mudra regularly practitioner overcomes various digestive disorders like indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, flatulence, and gas, etc. Apart from this, enhanced metabolism in Surya Mudra also results in weight loss, which decreases the chances of diabetes and heart conditions.
Use of a few other beneficial Mudras to be practiced before and after doing Surya Mudra:-
1. Anjali Mudra practice before doing Surya Mudra: Join your palms together in Namaste. Before performing Surya mudra, this mudra prepares your mind to concentrate at one point for Surya Mudra.
2. Adi Mudra practice before doing Surya Mudra: For soothing effect in our body, practice adi mudra before Surya mudra by placing the Tips of Thumbs on the Base of Ring Fingers of both the hands.
Follow Up of the following Hand Mudras after Surya Mudra is considered good enough to add to the benefits of Surya Mudra:–
End your Surya mudra practice with following two hand gestures:_
Jal/Varun & Prana Mudras: To lower the effect of excess heat produced after Surya mudra, perform jal/varun and or prana mudra to minimize the heat/effects and pran mudra to stimulate the flow of prana.
Jnana/Gyana Mudra: It’s always advised to end a yogic practice by bringing hands in Gyan mudra.
सूर्य मुद्रा से होने वाले लाभ :-
1. जैसे की इस मुद्रा का नाम है ,यह हमें सूर्य की गरमी प्रदान करती है। ऊर्जा प्रदान करती है। हमें चुस्त बनाती है।
2. जो व्यक्ति सर्दी से परेशान रहते हैं , जिन्हें सर्दी बहुत लगती है , जिनके हाथ पैर ठण्डे रहते हैं , उन्हें इस मुद्रा का बहुत लाभ होगा।
3. सूर्य मुद्रा से शरीर का मोटापा ,थुलथुलापन ,भारीपन,स्थूलता समाप्त होती है। वजन कम होता है। मोटापे को कम करने के लिए दिन में दो -तीन बार 15-15 मिनट इस मुद्रा का अभ्यास करें।
भोजन करने से 5 मिनट पहले और 15 मिनट बाद तक इस मुद्रा को वायु मुद्रा सँग करने से मधुमेह और मोटापे में बहुत जल्दी लाभ होता है।4. मधुमेह के रोगियों के लिए बहुत लाभकारी है। यह मुद्रा बढ़ी हुई शंकरा को जला देती है। इससे मोटापा कम होने से मोटापा जनित रोग जैसे मधुमेह,कब्ज इत्यादि ठीक होते हैं। रक्त में यूरिया पर नियंत्रण होता है। यकृत के सभी रोग दूर होते हैं।
5. सूर्य मुद्रा से अग्नि तत्व बढ़ता है , शरीर में गरमी पैदा होती है। इससे कफ,प्लूरेसी,दमा,अस्थमा,सर्दी,जुकाम,निमोनिया,टी.वी. ,सायनस के रोग दूर होते हैं। सूर्य मुद्रा लगाने से 5-10 मिनट में ही सूर्य स्वर चालू हो जाता है। इसलिए ठंड के सभी रोगों में लाभदायक है। प्रात: उठने पर और रात सोते समय 15-15 मिनट सूर्य मुद्रा अवश्य करें।
6. इस मुद्रा द्वारा अनामिका उंगुली से हथेली में स्थित थायरायड ग्रन्थि के केन्द्र बिन्दु पर दवाब पड़ने से थायरायड के रोग दूर होते हैं। थायरायड ग्रन्थि के कम स्त्राव के कारण होने वाले सभी रोग जैसे-मोटापा इत्यादि भी दूर होते हैं।
7. सूर्य सम्पूर्ण विश्व को रोशनी देता है। सूर्य मुद्रा करने से नेत्र ज्योति बढती है और मोतियाबिन्द भी ठीक होता है।
8. इससे कोलेस्ट्रोल कम होता है। जब मोटापा कम होता है , वजन कम होता है , शरीर की चयापचय क्रिया ठीक होती है तो कोलेस्ट्रोल नियंत्रण में आ जाता है।
9. तीव्र सिर दर्द में इस मुद्रा से तुरंत आराम मिलता है।
10. इसके नियमित अभ्यास से व्यक्ति में अंतर्ज्ञान जाग्रत होता है।
11. इस मुद्रा के अभ्यास से मानसिक तनाव दूर हो जाता है।
12. इसका नियमित अभ्यास करने से पेट के सभी रोग समाप्त हो जाते हैं।
13. शरीर की सूजन को भी यह मुद्रा दूर करती है।
14. इसको करने से बेचैनी और घबराहट दूर होती है। साथ ही साथ दिमाग भी स्थिर होने लगता है।
15. गर्भावस्था के बाद शरीर के वजन को घटाने के लिए आप रोज सूर्य मुद्रा करें।
16. Surya Mudra for Weight Loss भी है इस मुद्रा को नियमित करने से वजन कम और शरीर संतुलित हो जाता है।
17. यह मुद्रा पाचन प्रणाली को ठीक करती है।
18. वजन कम करने बारे;- कुछ सप्ताह तक सुबह शाम वज्रासन लगाकर यथासम्भव कपालभाति प्राणायाम ऐंवम 24+ मिनट तक सूर्य मुद्रा में बैठने से काफी वजन कम हो सकता है। यदि सँग 16+ मिनट तक लिंग ऐंवम पुषाण हस्त मुद्राओंं ऐंवम सूर्य भेदी प्राणायाम भी किया जाये तो निश्चित ही प्रतिदिन लगभग 100 ग्राम तक (कुछ कम अथवा अधिक) वजन कम करना सम्भव है। मगर बाद में प्राण हस्त मुद्रा ऐंवम कुछ समय शीतली प्राणायाम अवश्य करें व जल/तरल पदार्थों का सेवन कुछ अधिक मात्रा में करें।
सूर्य मुद्रा में बरती जाने वाली सावधानियां :-
गर्मी के मौसम में इसे ज्यादा देर तक न करें। दुर्बल कमजोर व्यक्ति यह मुद्रा न करें। उच्च रक्तचाप वाले भी इसे कम ही करें। परन्तु निम्नरक्तचाप में बहुत लाभदायक है। शरीर में कमजोरी आने पर सूर्य मुद्रा नहीं करनी चाहिये। , गर्मियों में यह मुद्रा कम करनी चाहिये। अम्लपित्त और एसिडिटी की समस्या होने पर यह मुद्रा ना करें।
Surya Mudra explained by Ms Deepika Sharma: Surya mudra has great importance in yoga. Its a hand yogic gesture that increases the fire element in the body effective for weight loss. Five elements are present in the human body – air, water, fire, earth, and sky. In ancient times, sages used to do yoga postures to balance the five elements present inside the body. In the five fingers of the hand, the Vayu Mudra and Gyan Mudra are done with the index finger, the Jala Mudra with the little finger, the Earth and the Surya Mudra with the Anamika finger and the Akash Mudra (space) with the middle finger, and the Agni mudra with the thumb. In hatha yoga, mudras are used in combination with meditation and pranayama (yogic breathing exercises). usually mudra is a sitting posture, to stimulate various parts of the body associated with breathing and affect the flow of prana. Although there are hundreds of types of yoga mudras, different yoga mudra are practiced to remove different diseases present in the body. Some mudras are comfortable for practice. Just by touching the hands with the fingers, we can influence our instincts, thinking and health. One such beneficial mudra is Surya Mudra. Surya mudra has great importance in yoga. So let’s know what is the benefit of Surya Mudra and how to do it. Importance of Surya Mudra As mentioned above, Surya mudra has great importance in yoga. Its a hand yogic gesture that increases the fire element in the human body. Hence, people also call Surya Mudra as the fire or Agni mudra. The word Surya comes from the Sanskrit. there Surya means “sun” and mudra means “gesture.” According to Ayurveda, Surya mudra is associated with the sun. Sun is considered a symbol of health and energy. Surya Mudra is opposite to Earth Mudra. By performing Surya Mudra, the fire elements of the human body are governed. And the excess of earth element ends. That’s why this mudra is also known as Agni Vardhak mudra. The finger of the sun is the Anamika finger, also called the ring finger. this finger is related to the Sun and Uranus planets. The Sun represents energy and health. Uranus is a symbol of intuition, sexuality, and change. If two-three mudras are required simultaneously and there is a lack of time, then two mudras can also be put together. Like- Surya Mudra and Vayu Mudra can be done simultaneously. Do not usually apply any mudras immediately after a meal. But after taking food, you can apply Surya Mudra. Only in an emergency situation, mudras can it be made immediately after meals such as ear pain, stomach pain, vomiting, etc. How to do The Surya Mudra This Mudra is associated with a happy and healthy life. it is a yogic hand gesture that is one of the easiest mudras to perform in yoga. The ring finger is the symbol of the earth element that takes care of the earth element in the body. It can be done anytime and anywhere. There are some simple steps which will explain how to do this Surya Hasta Mudra: First of all, sit in any comfortable seating posture and place the hands with palm pointing upwards on the thighs or the knees. Meditation postures like Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana, etc. are ideal for the practice of mudras. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths with the awareness of the breathing process. Now fold your ring finger and press it with your thumb. You may feel some pain. But that does not last long. Put the ring finger of your hand in the root of the thumb. The rest of the three fingers should be kept extended as much as possible. In addition, it should be done with both hands simultaneously. Perform this pose for 35 minutes at a stretch every day or for 10 to 12 minutes three times a day. It is not necessary for doing this at an empty stomach. You may also practice this mudra with a full stomach. This mudra also practices in a standing, sitting or lying down posture. Benefits of Surya Mudra (Mudra of Sun) Mudra of Sun is a wonderfully applicable mudra. that the heat of the sun provides. It provides energy and makes us fit. Practicing Surya mudra twice a day for 20 minutes lowers cholesterol levels. This yoga mudra is not less than a boon for you. If you are also troubled by being overweight due to being obese then Surya Mudra is very beneficial for you. This mudra also increases the fire element in the body. Thyroid diseases are cured by pressing this pressure from the ring finger in the palm at the central point of the thyroid gland. It has a profound effect on our body, soul, and mind, it keeps you healthy and also prolongs your age. It also controls the amount of urea in the blood. And also avoids the disease of diabetes. Generally, Surya Mudra is very beneficial for women who gain weight after delivery. This mudra also removes the swelling of the body. The fire element of Surya Mudra enhances digestive power and helps in reducing cholesterol. It acts as an energy booster. This mudra accelerates metabolism in your body. Which helps reduce cholesterol. This mudra brings peace to the mind and keeps it focused and sharpen. Its regular practice awakens intuition in a person. A Specialty of Surya Yoga Mudra Fire is what spurs the digestive system – hence this mudra’s corresponding popularity for facilitating weight loss! “Surya Mudra best knows as the Weight loss mudra” To lose weight, one follows Yoga for weight loss, then one goes to the gym. If you do not have enough time for these, then try the sun mudra for the best benefits. Time Interval Mudra of the sun also practices in a standing, sitting or lying down on a bed whenever. This is also a great mudra to do as you are walking. You can chant a mantra or switch words silently. No particular time duration for the mudra. But this mudra should be done in the morning so that the energy of the sun can be absorbed into your body. Of course, All mudra is very effective when you do the mudras between 4-6 AM. You can do this mudra three times a day for 8 minutes to 25 minutes. To an excellent, the best and efficient results, make sure you practice regularly for two months. There should be an interval of at least one hour in doing Surya Mudra every once in a while. Side Effects Although there are many benefits of doing Surya Mudra, it is very important to take some precautions before doing it. Sun mudra should not be done when there is a weakness in the body. You can do this mudra only 3 times in a day for 15-15 minutes. Do not do it for a long time in the summer season and during the summer, a little water should be drunk before doing the sun mudra. Surya Mudra description by koosoo.com Surya Mudra, best known as: the weight loss mudra. Description and Meaning Surya means ‘Sun’ in Sanskrit and this mudra is known to increase the fire element in the body. This is achieved by covering up the ring finger which represents the earth element with your thumb which represents the fire element. Fire is what spurs the digestive system – hence this mudra’s reputation (and corresponding popularity) for facilitating weight loss! How to do the Surya Mudra Stand or sit up straight and hold your hands out in front of you. Bend the ring finger of each hand so that its tip touches the mound of your thumb. Press down on your ring finger with your thumb and ensure that the other fingers are spread out straight. The more pressure on your ring finger, the more your inner fire is stoked. The Surya Mudra can be practiced in a seated posture with hands on the knees and palms facing the sky. It is also a great mudra to do as you are walking. Benefits Surya mudra is a wonderfully applicable mudra. It’s core function is to decrease inertia and increase vitality. One of the ways it does this is by increasing your metabolism, effectively assisting with weight loss (yes please!). This is perfect for our southern hemisphere friends who are well into the colder months and need to increase heat in the body to fight common colds or bring your body temperature up. It is also known to reduce cholesterol and aid in digestion. One word of caution: because of Surya Mudra’s ability to stoke inner fire, it’s best practised in moderation by people who already run hot – those that associate with a Pitta disposition as per Ayurvedic principles. It’s full benefits are best experienced by those with a Kapha or Vata dosha. Why we Love the Surya Mudra We love Surya Mudra for it’s everyday practicality. Meditation combined with mantra is our favorite way of incorporating it into our lives though the beauty of this Mudra is that it can be carried off the mat and into daily life. Sitting at a desk all day and find yourself fading? Allow Surya Mudra to stoke your inner fire, bringing you back to inspiration. Ate a heavy meal and feeling lethargic? Surya Mudra will help burn off that meal, bringing you back to your more energized self. However we choose to use it, Surya Mudra will always help to ignite your inner fire, getting you moving towards your goals. Surya mudra has great importance in yoga. Its a hand yogic gesture that increases the fire element in the body effective for weight loss. Five elements are present in the human body – air, water, fire, earth, and sky. In ancient times, sages used to do yoga postures to balance the five elements present inside the body. In the five fingers of the hand, the Vayu Mudra and Gyan Mudra are done with the index finger, the Jala Mudra with the little finger, the Earth and the Surya Mudra with the Anamika finger and the Akash Mudra (space) with the middle finger, and the Agni mudra with the thumb. In hatha yoga, mudras are used in combination with meditation and pranayama (yogic breathing exercises). usually mudra is a sitting posture, to stimulate various parts of the body associated with breathing and affect the flow of prana. Although there are hundreds of types of yoga mudras, different yoga mudra are practiced to remove different diseases present in the body. Some mudras are comfortable for practice. Just by touching the hands with the fingers, we can influence our instincts, thinking and health. One such beneficial mudra is Surya Mudra. Surya mudra has great importance in yoga. So let’s know what is the benefit of Surya Mudra and how to do it. Importance of Surya Mudra As mentioned above, Surya mudra has great importance in yoga. Its a hand yogic gesture that increases the fire element in the human body. Hence, people also call Surya Mudra as the fire or Agni mudra. The word Surya comes from the Sanskrit. there Surya means “sun” and mudra means “gesture.” According to Ayurveda, Surya mudra is associated with the sun. Sun is considered a symbol of health and energy. Surya Mudra is opposite to Earth Mudra. By performing Surya Mudra, the fire elements of the human body are governed. And the excess of earth element ends. That’s why this mudra is also known as Agni Vardhak mudra. The finger of the sun is the Anamika finger, also called the ring finger. this finger is related to the Sun and Uranus planets. The Sun represents energy and health. Uranus is a symbol of intuition, sexuality, and change. If two-three mudras are required simultaneously and there is a lack of time, then two mudras can also be put together. Like- Surya Mudra and Vayu Mudra can be done simultaneously. Do not usually apply any mudras immediately after a meal. But after taking food, you can apply Surya Mudra. Only in an emergency situation, mudras can it be made immediately after meals such as ear pain, stomach pain, vomiting, etc. How to do The Surya Mudra This Mudra is associated with a happy and healthy life. it is a yogic hand gesture that is one of the easiest mudras to perform in yoga. The ring finger is the symbol of the earth element that takes care of the earth element in the body. It can be done anytime and anywhere. There are some simple steps which will explain how to do this Surya Hasta Mudra: First of all, sit in any comfortable seating posture and place the hands with palm pointing upwards on the thighs or the knees. Meditation postures like Padmasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana, Vajrasana, etc. are ideal for the practice of mudras. Close your eyes and take some deep breaths with the awareness of the breathing process. Now fold your ring finger and press it with your thumb. You may feel some pain. But that does not last long. Put the ring finger of your hand in the root of the thumb. The rest of the three fingers should be kept extended as much as possible. In addition, it should be done with both hands simultaneously. Perform this pose for 35 minutes at a stretch every day or for 10 to 12 minutes three times a day. It is not necessary for doing this at an empty stomach. You may also practice this Surya mudra with a full stomach. This mudra also practices in a standing, sitting or lying down posture. Benefits of Surya Mudra (Mudra of Sun) Mudra of Sun is a wonderfully applicable mudra. that the heat of the sun provides. It provides energy and makes us fit. Practicing Surya mudra twice a day for 20 minutes lowers cholesterol levels. This yoga mudra is not less than a boon for you. If you are also troubled by being overweight due to being obese then Surya Mudra is very beneficial for you. This mudra also increases the fire element in the body. Thyroid diseases are cured by pressing this pressure from the ring finger in the palm at the central point of the thyroid gland. It has a profound effect on our body, soul, and mind, it keeps you healthy and also prolongs your age. It also controls the amount of urea in the blood. And also avoids the disease of diabetes. Generally, Surya Mudra is very beneficial for women who gain weight after delivery. This mudra also removes the swelling of the body. The fire element of Surya Mudra enhances digestive power and helps in reducing cholesterol. It acts as an energy booster. This mudra accelerates metabolism in your body. Which helps reduce cholesterol. This mudra brings peace to the mind and keeps it focused and sharpen. Its regular practice awakens intuition in a person. A Specialty of Surya Yoga Mudra Fire is what spurs the digestive system – hence this mudra’s corresponding popularity for facilitating weight loss! “Surya Mudra best knows as the Weight loss mudra” To lose weight, one follows Yoga for weight loss, then one goes to the gym. If you do not have enough time for these, then try the sun mudra for the best benefits. Time Interval Mudra of the sun also practices in a standing, sitting or lying down on a bed whenever. This Surys Mudra is also a great mudra to do as you are walking. You can chant a mantra or switch words silently. No particular time duration for the mudra. But this mudra should be done in the morning so that the energy of the sun can be absorbed into your body. Of course, All mudra is very effective when you do the mudras between 4-6 AM. You can do this mudra three times a day for 8 minutes to 25 minutes. To an excellent, the best and efficient results, make sure you practice regularly for two months. There should be an interval of at least one hour in doing Surya Mudra every once in a while. Side Effects Although there are many benefits of doing Surya Mudra, it is very important to take some precautions before doing it. Sun mudra should not be done when there is a weakness in the body. You can do this mudra only 3 times in a day for 15-15 minutes. Do not do it for a long time in the summer season and during the summer, a little water should be drunk before doing the sun mudra.(Kind Courtesy : 7 pranayanma.com)