Pushan Mudra – A Short Description of both the Variants

Technique:-Version1: Right hand:
The tips of the thumb, index finger,
and middle finger are on top of each
other; the other fingers are extended.
Left hand: The tips of the thumb,
middle finger, and ring finger are on
top of each other; the other fingers
are extended.

Right hand: The tips of
the thumb, ring finger, and little
finger are on top 0f each other, the
other fingers are extended.
Left hand: Same as Version 1.
These two mudras can be used as
immediate help or practiced four
times a day for 5 minutes or more in the case of chronic complaints.
Benefits of Variant 1:- It intensifies breathing and therefore the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide in the lungs. It has a relaxing effect on
the solar plexus (the area of the
stomach, liver, spleen, and
gallbladder), regulates energies in the
autonomic nervous system, mobilizes
energies of elimination, and
detoxifies. It has an excellent effect
on general or acute nausea,
seasickness, flatulence, and that
sensation of fullness one feels after
Benefits of Variant 2:-Right hand fingers position connecting the energies of the thumb, ring finger, and little finger activates the lower digestive process and the elimination process. This mudra can
be called the general energy pump. It
stimulates the functions of the brain,
a fact that has also been proved
scientifically. The finger position of
the right hand activates energy in the
pelvic floor, like a smoldering fire
that has been stoked. With the finger
position of the left hand, the kind

energy is directed upward. Every
organ, the general mood, and
thinking (concentration, memory,
logic, enthusiasm, etc.) are positively
influenced as a result.
